4th Series - Flight B

 Flight B series 4 is a land test. Walkup, out of order flyer, and a single land blind. Similar to flight A. Test dog Wednesday is 7:30 am.

This test is utilizing large trees to conceal gun stations. Some marks you only see the top of the arc as the drip line of the trees conceal some of the birds path. 

The walkup bird is thrown into a small ditch in front of goose decoys. The decoys are pulling the dogs beyond the mark and some are hunting a little deep and others get a favorable wind as the drop down into the ditch.

The flyer is thrown into a very tight pocket between trees. You can't see the bird until it is at the top of the arc and falls deep of the flyer station.

The go bird on the right is also thrown between trees and you get a little glimpse of the bird as it falls to the ground.

The land blind takes the dogs very close to the walkup bird and past the the go bird. Decoys are also used to give the handlers a line.

A view of the marks from the line.